
The journal is edited by Oradea University Press.

The journal meets the international requirements concerning the publication norms and ethics.

The journal publishes annual issues (December) in one volume.

The journal publishes peer-reviewed research articles, review articles, commentaries, literature reviews, notes and news.

No publication fee.

The journal doesn’t have article submission and processing charges (APCs).

The on-line version of the journal can be viewed and downloaded free of charge.

License Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International

The reproduction or commercial use of the articles is prohibited.

"This is an Open Access journal"

Editor in Chief: Dragoș Florian Paul

View full Editorial Board

Contact address:

Analele Universităţii din Oradea. Fascicula Educaţie Fizică şi Sport

University of Oradea, Romania

Faculty of Geography, Tourism and Sport

1 Universităţii Street, 410087 Oradea, Romania

web site: http://www.fefsoradea.ro/Fascicula_Educatie_Fizica_si_Sport/index.html

e-mail: journal@fefsoradea.ro

ISSN 1224 - 5100

e-ISSN 2286 - 2870